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韓國江原特別自治道BTS Bus Stop一日遊

HKD 773+
  • 不可退改
  • 中文/英語/韓語/日語
  • 電子憑證


  • Let's make memories related to BTS in location they visited.
  • The Best choice to experience K-pop culture related BTS.
  • Fun fan activities with ARMYs in Korea.


Conveniently visit BTS bus stop and 2021 Winter Package filming location.

It's even more fun if you go with ARMYs!

This tour is the easiest and most enjoyable trip to visit BTS' filming location in Korea!

1. Gapyeong Rest Area

- This is Jungkook's camping vlog filming location. The BTS beach tour also fills the rest areas with BTS spots. Try the whirlwind potato and sweet potato sticks that Jungkook ate.

2. Nuengpadae

- Neungpadae, the filming location of the 2021 Winter Package, refers to the images of waves hitting rocks. As the waves hit for a long time, the salt of the seawater met the rocks and created the mysterious form of rock. The ocean you can see through the rocks is a beautiful tourist destination. You can enjoy wonderful scenery of naturally made rocks and the sea. Please wear safe shoes because they can be slippery when you walk on the rocks.

3. BTS bus stop

- Hyangho Beach, the No.1 BTS tourist destination chosen by Army's around the world, is famous for its BTS bus stop. BTS shot the album photo for 'You Never Walk Alone'. Enjoy the scenery of Hyangho Beach and the blue East Sea leading to Jumunjin Beach. Be sure to leave lively photos with the goods prepared by the operator.

4. Gangneung Jungang market

- Did you know that V visited this market? Have free time to eat at Gangneung Jungang Market, which is full of food. Homemade fish cake croquettes, Gangneungdang coffee bean bread (Taehyung picked), kimchi rolled pork belly, squid sundae, chicken gangjeong, Gangneung sand, etc. It fills your stomach and is full of travel food, so it's a lot of fun to see. If you want to eat at a restaurant, we recommend Jangkalguksu (Gochujang based noodle) restaurant inside the market.


- 2 pretty transparent photo cards.

- 3 Polaroid to make memories.

- Lucky draw ( Korean goods related BTS - vary from episode to episode )

- Renting various goods to take a picture.


行程1 GW_BTS


06:50 集合地點:종합운동장역 2번 출구 (Sports Complex Station Exit 2) Please meet your guide at Sports Complex station exit 2 時長: 約10分鐘
07:00 交通:乘搭車前往Van 車程: 約40分鐘
07:40 購物:購物地點:Gapyeong Service Area可購買商品:- This is Jungkook's camping vlog filming location. The Beach Tour also fills the rest areas with K-pop spots. Try the whirlwind potato and sweet potato sticks that Jungkook ate. 購物時間: 約20分鐘
08:00 交通:乘搭車前往- 車程: 約2小時
10:00 自由活動: Neungpadae, the filming location of the 2021 Winter Package, refers to the images of waves hitting rocks. As the waves hit for a long time, the salt of the seawater met the rocks and created the mysterious form of rock. The ocean you can see through the rocks is a beautiful tourist destination. You can enjoy wonderful scenery of naturally made rocks and the sea. Please wear safe shoes because they can be slippery when you walk on the rocks. 活動時間: 約1小時
11:00 交通:乘搭車前往- 車程: 約1小時
12:00 自由活動: Hyangho Beach, the #1 BTS tourist destination chosen by ARMYs around the world, is famous for its bus stop. The most famous boygroup of Korea shoot the album photo for 'You Never Walk Alone'. Enjoy the scenery of Hyangho Beach and the blue East Sea leading to Jumunjin Beach. Be sure to leave lively photos with the goods prepared by Startrip. 活動時間: 約1小時
13:00 交通:乘搭車前往- 車程: 約30分鐘
13:30 午餐:需自費,當地特色餐食用餐地點:Gangnueng Jungang Market Have free time to eat at Gangneung Central Market, which is full of food. Taehyung also visited this place when he came to Gangneung. Homemade fish cake croquettes, Gangneungdang coffee bean bread, kimchi rolled pork belly, squid sundae, chicken gangjeong, Gangneung sand, etc. It fills your stomach and is full of travel food, so it's a lot of fun to see. If you want to eat at a restaurant, we recommend Jangkalguksu or Ongsimi restaurant inside the market. 用餐時間: 約1小時
14:30 回程然後結束行程:於車返回종합운동장역並解散 車程: 約4小時



費用包括 (*按所選套餐略有不同)

  • 行程:GW_BTS
  • 交通
  • 往返用車費用
  • 隨團工作人員
  • 旅行團導遊服務


  • 行程:GW_BTS
  • 其他
  • 自由活動時間的交通及導遊服務,以及所有個人消費和費用包括項目中未有列出的任何費用。
  • 此套票不包括服務人員的小費。如您滿意服務人員的服務,我們建議您酌情給予小費。


  • 行程:GW_BTS
  • 行程資訊
  • 服務人員將不提前聯絡您。集合時間和地點請參考短訊。
  • 憑證
  • 出行當日請使用旅客姓名在已預約時間前(建議提前10分鐘)前往Sports Complex Station Exit 2 。


  • 該產品一經預訂成功,不接受取消或更改,敬請留意。
  • 永安旅遊僅提供此產品的代訂服務,以上之取消或更改條款將按供應商的規定執行。請您仔細閱讀確認後再預訂。


此行程為本地旅行社與我們合作推出的旅行團;並非只限 永安旅遊 會員可參加的私人旅行團。在確保已承諾的服務內容和標準不約的情況下,我們的用戶會與來自其他旅遊代理的旅客組成團隊以一同安排行程。
旅行團期間,部份景點/地點、餐廳、休息區域或其他地方可能會有並非由旅行社安排的購物地點。永安旅遊 提醒您於此等地方消費時應按您的個人需要理性消費,並索取消費證明。如發生任何糾紛,您將需對此負責。
目的地或會有私營娛樂和消費場所。大部份此等場所沒有合法經營資格,且或會構成各種隱患。為您的安全和健康著想,永安旅遊 提醒您在此等地點消費時應謹慎。

產品ID  60896774
