Melbourne to Brussels flights
Find cheap flights from Melbourne to Brussels from One-way as low as HKD5,396
Melbourne - Brussels | Mar 17 | Thai Airways
Melbourne - Brussels | Mar 01 | Singapore Airlines
Melbourne - Brussels | Mar 17 | undefined
Melbourne - Brussels | Mar 24 | Etihad Airways
Brussels - Melbourne | Apr 01 | Etihad Airways
Melbourne - Brussels | May 13 | Swiss
Brussels - Melbourne | May 21 | Swiss
Melbourne - Brussels | Mar 24 | undefined
Brussels - Melbourne | Apr 01 | undefined
When is the cheapest time to book a flight?
Price trend charts are a great way of tracking how much your flights cost in the lead up to departure and can help you choose when to book your tickets. See how prices to Brussels from Melbourne have changed and are set to move below.
Cheapest fligths are between Mar 30-Apr 06
Displayed prices are calculated based on the cheapest average weekly prices of the corresponding route on Wingon Travel.
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Hot airlines to Brussels
More than half a century of dedicated operation of tourism services, word-of-mouth
Price preference
China hotel low price guarantee, including 17 low-cost airline tickets
Booking faster
Provide all-weather ticket booking service, immediate confirmation